Literature, Language, and Translation: A Publisher's Perpective
Literature, Language, and Translation: A Publisher's Perpective
Forming of New Inter-Link Cabinet 2022-2023
We are pleased to announce that the new cabinet of Inter-Link 2022-23 has officially formed on 31 January 2023. This year, we reshuffled the company structure and added a new position: Copywriter.
Here is the new team structure:
Supervisor - Dr. Janice PAN
Manager - Cody CHEUNG
Vice Manager (External) – Derek LAW
Vice Manager (Internal) - Janice LAU
Secretary - Kelly CHEUNG, Venus KAN
PR- Tracy NG, Emily NG
Designer – Mandy TSUI, Charis LAM
Copywriter – Lindsey DONG
On 10 January 2023, three alumni of the Cabinet 2021-2022, Tiffany CHAU, Eddie KUAN, and Michelle LAM joined us on Zoom and shared their previous experience with the current team. They are also employees of Enter-Link, a start-up founded by Dr. Janice PAN.
As a manager, Tiffany thinks teamwork is about cooperation among all the members, as a task or event cannot be done by one person alone. Putting effort into getting to know everyone was what she did in the first place. It was also essential to check up on the members frequently and see if they needed any help, etc. Her favourite experience was the Inter-Link TCM day, “It was a challenging but fruitful experience. I believe there will be more interactive sessions since now the teaching mode has been changed back to face-to-face.”
Eddie was the Vice Manager of Inter-Link. He introduced Enter-Link, which provides international interpreting services through an online App. He also encouraged alumni and students who took or are currently taking Community Interpreting and Translation Workshop courses to join as translators/interpreters.
“I learned a lot from Community Interpreting. Inter-Link provided me with real-life legal and medical interpreting experiences,” Michelle shared. She also highlighted the event management skill developed from this course. She learned more about the guest speakers and what they do through event organization, which is helpful for future career planning.
Current members of Inter-Link are undergoing intensive training and are ready to accept tasks.
Special thanks to Carrie CHEUNG, who helped us with group photo shooting.
Prepared by: DONG Lingyu Lindsey
Edited by: Janice PAN